Are you someone who is constantly active and striving to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Or are you just getting started on your fitness journey? Regardless of your current fitness level, it’s important to be aware of the signs that your body is not yet ready to exercise. By being mindful of these red flags, you can avoid potential injuries and make the most out of each workout. So, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just beginning your fitness journey, read on for ten signs that your body is not yet ready to exercise!
1. You have the flu
You might think that exercise is the key to keeping your flu symptoms at bay, but it could make things worse. Exercise increases body temperature and can cause dehydration which both increases vulnerability for illness in general—and especially if you’re already experiencing congestion or diarrhea from this pesky virus! Rest up instead – even just 30 minutes per day will do wonders when paired with good hydration practices throughout everyday life (water + juice).
2. You have the fever
Stay in bed and take care of yourself! A fever is an infection that your body has to deal with before it can focus on exercising. If you exercise anyway, be aware of overheating or dehydration because those things will happen more often when sick since liquids go down less well while temperatures are higher than usual – so don’t forget hydration during workouts either way.
3. You have this common cold
A cold can make you miserable, but it doesn’t rule out exercise. Experts say moderate-intensity workouts are OK when you have a common cold and if your gym routine includes hand sanitizer or wipes for touching surfaces so that’s another way to avoid spreading germs around! The bottom line: It’s understandable why some may choose an easier day (or week) at the weight room–but exercising with any illness isn’t linked to making someone sicker than before they exercised.
The input states “A COLD CAN MAKE SOMEONE MISERABLE,” however despite this being true, most people will still continue working out because there is no evidence suggesting that doing cardio causes worse sickness outcomes than other forms such as strength training.
4. You just had an asthma flare-up
If the flare-up was due to a respiratory infection, skip your workout for a few days and see a doctor if symptoms persist. Otherwise, it may be appropriate to work out as long as you’re sure about asthma control with medications or other treatments in place such as low-impact activities (exercising indoors). Always have an emergency plan that includes treatment during workouts when necessary!
5. You had a sleepless night and not in the mood to exercise
“It’s time for a morning workout, but if you’re always tired and unable to function properly then don’t do it. The fatigue can be an indication that something else may need attention,” says Dr. Rothstein
A quick run or walk might just give your body enough energy so that you feel ready to get going in this world without being too overwhelmed with exhaustion all day long.
6. You are experiencing backpain
If you experience chronic back pain, it’s possible that there are some things in your life that make the symptoms worse. Make sure to avoid exercises like bending or twisting at all costs because this can put extra pressure on injured regions and delay healing even more so! If these movements still aren’t helping after a few days of rest then see an expert who knows what they’re doing.
7. You have a muscle sore
You can go to the gym, but don’t overdo it. Make sure you are light-intensity workout like walking instead of running when the soreness is too severe or skip your session altogether if that’s what feels right for now and just rest up from all those hard workouts! And remember: we’re human–sometimes our bodies need time off so they have enough energy before getting back into shape again with something new (think about how muscles grow).
8. You felt something painful on your body every time you are working out
Don’t work out until you see a doctor! If it’s too soon and your body is still healing from an injury, then the risk of making things worse increases.
9. Your past sports injury is still bothering you
Skip the workout and see your doctor. If you’re experiencing pain during activity, this is usually not a good sign because it may indicate something more serious is happening with our bodies than just soreness from working out.
10. You’re currently pregnant
Be sure to stay hydrated, take breaks, and avoid getting overheated during pregnancy. Yoga is a great way for you can exercise safely while also gaining some much-needed relief from back pain! You should not participate in strenuous activities if they affect your balance or cause sharp pains throughout the day because there’s an increased chance of injury which could lead to complications with labor (hemorrhaging). Instead, choose low-impact exercises such as swimming or walking; these types will help keep weight off but still get the movement going on those bones.
The last thing you want to do when your body is not feeling well is exercise. When you’re sick, it’s important to take care of yourself and that includes taking time off from the gym or at least reducing how often you work out. If something hurts or feels sore after exercising, it may be a sign your body is telling you to slow down! Give us a call today if this sounds like what’s happening in your life right now so we can assess together whether or not an adjustment needs to be made. We are here for our clients 24/7!
All About On Fire Fitness & Physical Therapy
On Fire Fitness & Physical Therapy has one mission: promoting fitness, health, and lifestyle changes we all need to stay happy and healthy well into our senior years. Starting small, focusing on one behavior at a time, and support from others can help you achieve your exercise or other health-related goals. Making a lifestyle change can be challenging, especially when you want to transform many things at once. But we know, the hardest step in climbing to the top of a mountain is the first one.
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