Yoga is a great way to improve your health and well-being, but you might not know what you’re looking for in a yoga studio. If you want to find the right one for you, keep these things in mind:
The teacher’s experience level.
Is this person qualified? Do they have any certifications or specialties? Yoga is a holistic practice, and you want to make sure that your teacher not only knows the poses (asanas) but also understands how they affect different people’s bodies. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise and healing, so what worked for someone several thousand years ago isn’t necessarily going to work for you now–yoga teachers should always keep that in mind.
What type of class will be offered (i.e., Hatha or power).
Yoga is a spiritual/religious practice that uses physical exercises as a way to connect to the divine. Hatha yoga (the most common type) focuses on balance, flexibility, and meditation. Yoga classes can be customized for fit people or beginners–you just want to make sure it’s something you’ll enjoy doing at least twice a week. How much time is spent practicing versus talking? Yoga is meant to be meditative, so we don’t think there needs to be an extended conversation before or after class about how your day was. What kind of space does this studio have? Yoga studios come in all shapes and sizes, and you should try to find one that works well for your needs. Yoga isn’t just a physical practice–it’s also an emotional/spiritual practice, so you want to be surrounded by positive energy from the moment you walk in the studio doors.
How often are classes offered (i.e., weekly, bi-weekly)?
Yoga is an exercise for the body, mind, and spirit. You want to make sure you’re getting it at least twice a week! Yoga is meant to supplement your workout routine–not take over it.
Does this studio accept student discount passes? Yoga isn’t just for adults who can afford expensive gym memberships–there’s no reason anyone should have to pay full price. Yoga studios that offer discounted rates are making their classes accessible to everyone, which I think is wonderful! Some yoga studios actually offer scholarships if you need financial assistance. Yoga Studios in your area can be found by using Google or Yelp. Check out my list of local yoga studios here.
Who will be on the mat with me? Are there any other types of students who attend (younger/older)?
Yoga is a different experience for everyone. Yoga can be as gentle or intense as you want it to be, depending on your flexibility and personal goals. Yoga studios are usually mixed-level classes, so if you’re new to yoga I’d wait to join a class with more experienced yogis. If you know any other beginners, go to class together! A buddy system (or at least meeting the other students before joining the class) will help make things easier when trying something new.
Why are they taking yoga?
Yoga can challenge people in a different way than going for a run or hitting the weights in the gym, which is what sets it apart from some traditional workout routines. Yoga teaches us how to move through life’s ups and downs with strength and grace. Yoga takes practice, so students who have been practicing yoga for a while are great to be around because they can help support you during your practice as well as see how much progress you’re making toward moving on from the first few tentative steps of learning something new.
Where is the studio located?
Yoga is a great way to start the day and end the day, but you want to make sure it’s convenient for you. Yoga classes are usually offered in the early morning, evening, or both! Yoga studios that offer two different times for class will have students of all walks of life attending–you’re not just taking yoga with other yogis, but also people who might be new to yoga or just looking for something calming before their workday starts.
What do I wear?
Yoga is done in comfortable clothing that doesn’t pose a threat to the individual while he or she is performing poses on the mat. Yoga can be practiced in anything from leggings and a t-shirt to traditional yoga wear (i.e., no tight, restrictive sports bras, singlets, etc.). Yoga with pants offers more flexibility than yoga with shorts/skirts because of the ease of movement. A lot of times Yoga students just wear loose-fitting sweatpants and baggy shirts because they don’t want to get too worked up about what they’re wearing–if that makes sense.
Finding the right yoga studio can be tough. If you want to find one for your needs, keep these things in mind and contact us if you need help finding the perfect place for a satisfying workout. What other considerations are important to take into account when looking for a new yoga studio? Share them with us! We’re always eager to hear from our readers about what’s on their minds or how they’ve dealt with any issues they might have had at practice (we know it happens!). Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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